Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Personal Lesson on the Journey: I have not even left yet!

Patience is a virtue best learned with an open heart and a smile.  Everything for a reason... so why bother with wasting energy with stressful thinking?  I had my fill of it on Friday when I got word that my paperwork has yet to be returned to me.  I STILL don't have my visa in hand and I want to keep my ticket good.  So I cancelled the flight to reschedule after all of my travel documents are returned.   So since things don't move at the pace at which I like, I cannot sit around a mope but for so long.  Believe me, I am very disappointed that I have been proactive as much as possible and still delays like this are happening.  I have done my part and will continue to do so.  It is a bit frustrating but, what can I do?  The rest is up to God and my ancestors.  I will not force a situation. I KNOW that I AM going and that I will have an enjoyable and life-changing experience. 

It is just that to apply for the visa, an itinerary is required before-hand but, what do I do when the dates of the itinerary are not carefully noted by those who have all that I need for international travel and entry (literally) in their hands? 

I have to swallow the $250 cancellation fee to change the travel schedule and this time, since the process has already begun, I wait more.  While I wait, I will take time to reflect, plan and move forward with my work.  All things work together for the with each breath that I breathe, I will remain in a state of gratitude.  For me, the sun rises again, and again, and again...

Dance with me please to this tune and see the beautiful things in life and feel the joy that is in this song.

Life remains purposeful and beautiful.  More time to take care of business on this side of the water.  It is a beautiful day

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