Thursday, April 12, 2012


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  Yeah, right.  Not if the apple is covered in a waxy coating to make it nice and shiny, genetically modified to make it huge and resistant to bruises along the journey from the orchard to the distribution/processing center to the store. And definitely not if it is covered in a multitude of pesticides.  

I have posted a link to an article below regarding chemicals in our food.  This article may clue you in on some things such as, "Why, some eat 'healthy' but, are still over weight?"  Obesity is a major problem in America.  Don't just read the Nutritional Facts alone to read the sugars, sodium, fats, etc...find out where these come from.  What are the INGREDIENTS?  It is not necessarily what you are eating that is wrong but, what your food is eating or has absorbed that is the problem. if your food is out of order then your body that builds, functions, and renews itself off of the fuel that the food supplies will be out of order as well.  Organic may cost more but, it is cheaper than going to Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers and then the doctor & medical treatment facilities to have several procedures done to deal with a preventable disease or condition. 

The other question that many seem to overlook to ask:  "why is it that so many drugs such as hormones and antibiotics in our food supply?"  Oh, yeah!  It is called the Food AND Drug Administration!  Many food and drug companies are owned under the same umbrella.
It is time to improve our quality of life! Waiting for someone else to do it will get you nowhere. Grow your own foods and make friends with local farmers and growers that don't use chemical pesticides.
Blindly following old diets without checking the source or line of production is potentially dangerous these days. 
 Pay attention and you will see and find out for yourself.  Don't just shake your head.  Do something!  After all, we are what we eat.

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