Sunday, May 15, 2011

Giving Thanks

I love waking up with a feeling of gratitude in my heart.  There are so many things to be grateful for as I have life, health, and plenty of inspiration from Spirit, nature, family, friends, and the many wonderful experiences that are created with each interaction.  Joy and gratitude has to be the NO.1 daily supplement that I would advise for anyone to take daily.  I know that life presents challenges, opportunities, stress, and dramas but, it is our response to life situations that present the opportunity to make the change that is necessary for us to life full and whole lives that we are meant to enjoy.  No matter the weather, this is a beauty full day because you are in it!  Do something positive about yourself and/or your space and you can only feel better.

Having a positive feeling is very important to living well.  I can suggest all sorts of recipes, detoxes, cleanses, diets, rituals, exercises, meditations, and such but, if you are not happy and joyful about the life that you are experiencing then what it the point?  Trust.  Laughter is GOOD medicine.  Don't wait for things to be a particular way before you decide that you can be happy.  Just decide to be happy. 

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1 comment:

  1. NAMESTE! Spoken so true my sister! Gratitude brings fortitude. In order to recieve blessings we must learn to thankful for the blessings that are occuring in the present!
