Monday, May 30, 2011

Breathe Easy Naturally

Every now and again my sinuses will become congested. Pressure, headaches, irritability... I think I am allergic to prolonged periods in A/C.  I have had calls from clients, colleagues, & friends regarding sinus congestion, especially with expecting mothers who are very limited with what they can take regarding the safety of their unborn child to ease their discomfort.  Just about every time, they are in enclosed areas with recycled air (a/c or heated).  I would suggest opening a window, even just a bit and almost instantly there would be relief.  Keeping moisture in the air with a vaporizer or steam is good and remembering to change air filters in a timely fashion is also a benefit. 

Every household bathroom should have a neti pot on hand just for this very purpose.  A little salt and some reasonably warm water and stir.  Tilt your head to the side over a sink or basin and put the tip of the spout up one nostril and let the drainage out the other nostril and you are good.  Sometimes it is good to go for 2 rounds alternating sides. 

Hot water and lemons are a God-send but, nothing quite evacuates congested sinus cavities like my personal favrite, rosemary!  I make tea with a decoction of tender rosemary leaves and stems.  About a handful of rosemary does it for me.  2-3 cups of water to boil in a pot after the water has boiled long enough for the color to change (10-15 minutes).  Strain off herbs and cool to drinkable temperature.  Mix with lemon juice.  Sweeten with raw local honey for those who need to build up their tolerance regarding seasonal allergies.  Another option is stevia, agave, or raw sugar.  Rosemary tea makes a good blend with lemonade and is surprisingly tastey.  Very soon after consumption, you should notice that you are breathing with greater ease.

PS...Don't consume mucus binding substances such as dairy (includes cheeses and yogurt's, btw), refined sugars & starches, eggs, table salt, alcohol, fried foods, stress, etc...  Drink plenty of water.

Here is a link if you are interested in more information regarding a highly respected herbalist, Dr. Christopher who coined the term Mucusless Diet:

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