Friday, September 19, 2014

No Good Thing is Ever Witheld...UNLESS The good thing has to make way for something that is the ABSOLUTE BEST!!!

The picture above is a reminder to me about how great the Most High God/Goddess/The Universe, known by many names is to me. At the end of a phenomenal and life-changing week of The Matrona Quantum Midwifery for Women of Color in Atlanta last April. I learned so many things that will change my life FOREVER!!! I was in the midst of so many phenomenal women who are all gifted and beautiful in so many ways and I learned from the inspirational and eye-opening instruction of Whapio Barlette who was assisted by Terry and Tolewa, all seasoned midwives of Matrona. I am thankful to Whapio, Terry, and Tolewa who made it possible that we all could gather with the wonderful and positive energy for the week through their vision and work. One of the lessons I will never forget was when we were closing out the week and we had all been instructed to bring something that we loved dearly to give as a gift on our final day of intensive training sessions. 

While I was choosing what to bring, I had such a hard time figuring out what to give and preparing myself to let go. I had chosen a beautiful beaded necklace of Tiger's Eye stone that I made and wore religiously during a transitional time in my life shortly after my divorce, traveling to Nigeria, West Africa for the first time and branching out as a business woman, healer, teacher and now a birthworker. I LOVED that necklace dearly and wasn't certain if I was ready to part with it but, I knew that the gift must be sacraficial...and it was!

We all laid our gifts on the table. SiStars ooh'd and ahh'd over the choice items, including myself. I had one piece in mind that I KNEW that I wanted so intensely. It was a silver cuff bracelette. I LOVE jewelry and silver at that (the value of silver is continually rising). The time to begin the ceremony approached and when one woman picked a gift, the person who brought the gift would come forward and share a story about it or even why they loved it and chose to part with it at this time. After that, the next person would go to choose her gift and so on... 

SiStar after siStar went up, made her choice, told her story, danced, sang, allowing Spirit to move. I was anxious for my turn to come. Was my dear necklace not desireable? How could anyone know how much it meant to me. Maybe I should have chosen somthing else? My fellow siStars picked all around the table and did not choose the desired one I held in my heart nor the one I offered as a gift siStar must have noticed the value of the silver cuff as I did. She picked it up for herself and placed it on her wrist. It was a perfect fit for her. I was crushed for a moment. Then I had to check myself and let it go. 

The point was not in the receiving but, in the giving and sharing of energy, love, release, and new beginnings. I was sharing in the joys of each siStar and her new found a treasure. I focused my mind and heart as I listened to the stories of how the new treasures fit into the journeys that lie ahead for each one. Time continues on and one after another takes her turn and shares. We sing, laugh, cry, dance, pray, all wishing for each siStar that her hopes, dreams, and leaps forward into the transformative abyss of the unknown future that lies ahead be fulfilled in the highest and most beautiful way. Occassionally my attention turns to the nearly empty table. I don't see anything that catches my eye. I surrender that I did NOT get what I desired and hoped for.  I chose to be happy anyway. Happy for the moment. Happy for the experience, the joys of coming together, learning, changing...continuously deepening my connection to myself, life, nature, spirit, birth, and rebirth.

My necklace finally gets chosen. I finally get to share what it has meant to me. I share how much love, positive, and transformative energy has gone into it. I prayed that the siStar can know peace through whatever she may encounter on the road of life. Now, I must make a choice for myself from what remains for me. I don't see much but, suddenly a small and unassuming plain white box with no wrapping catches my eye. I don't know what it could be but, I pick it up. How could one even notice it among all of the glittering objects that were there before? Do I open it now in front of everyone or do I wait until later??? My siStars urge me to open it up. I must not be the only curious one in the group. I open up the box slowly and the siStar, Terry Boles tells me about each piece in the box.

1) The double tipped clear quartz stone was a gift that she received by Whapio who is my respected wholistic child birth and midwifery instructor. I couldn't believe it!  2) The silver ankh was gifted to her by Queen Afua, a respected healer and author who means so much to me and catalysed my journey of self-healing. Terry recieved this when she helped her around town for one of her visits. I have to try to contain myself! 3) The smooth amethyst was held, rubbed and gifted by a granny midwife who had delivered numerous healthy children. Wow! I am near tears. 4) Finally, the glass vial of sand is from the Karnak Temple in Luxor (also gifted from Whapio)!!! Jackpot!!!!! Every gift held so much significance and meaning to me as a changing woman, birth worker, healer, and light worker. I learned that when I release my gifts sacraficially with love and set my sights on what I want (silver cuff bracelette)...which may be very nice but, it may not be the very best that there is for me. No good thing is withheld from me unless it must make way for what is for my very BEST!  In this case, I had to release the beautiful silver cuff bracelette. I am sure the siStar who chose it still wears it beautifully and proud (at least I hope so). However, my best was hiding in a plain white box and overlooked by EVERYONE! Even moreso, I received such a beautiful and valuable lesson for me to carry the rest of my life and to share with those who are willing to receive the blessings of this experience. 

Life is continual refinement of my character and elevation of my spirit. I move forth with openness and love knowing that all is working to fulfill what is in my greatest and highest good. Ase!!!  So if I don't get whatever it is that I have momentarily desired, I should not fret, dispair or feel any kind of way but, be joyful in others' happiness and have comfort in the knowing that even better is awaiting my discovery or arrival in God(dess)'s Divine and Perfect Time, just like my Igbo name, Ogechi!!! 

  • Ogechi is Igbo for God's Time. Ogechi was given to me as a name while I was in Nigeria, West Africa and holds tremendous meaning for me even today.