by Aura Agape
Depending on the source, Hapi is the body, essence, spirit, inundation (flooding) of the river, Nile itself. Hapi is significant in his importance as the Nile itself is the world's longest waterway, without which the Two Lands of Kemet (Egypt) would cease to exist. The Nile floods annually depositing precious nutrient-rich silt along the banks of the Nile that flows from the tropical rains hundreds of mils south in sub-Sahara Africa in the highlands of Uganda and Ethiopia. All that is needed to sustain life, from fertile plant vegetation to the first civilization that is accounted for on this planet, flows from the Nile.
Hapi is one of Heru's Four Sons and guardians of the canopic jars of the deceased. Hapi guards the canopic jar that contain the lungs. Hapi is represented by the baboon canopic jar. Nebt-Het protects Hapi as he protects the lungs of the deceased. Also like Nebt-Het, Hapi has no known temple which has been specifically dedicated to him.
Hapi is depicted with a round belly and prominent breasts. Usually holding one or two plants. The Papyrus thrives in the marshes of Lower Kemet and the Lotus thrives along the banks of Upper Kemet. The symbolism of Hapi holding both plants indicate the support of both regions.
Hapi is one of Heru's Four Sons and guardians of the canopic jars of the deceased. Hapi guards the canopic jar that contain the lungs. Hapi is represented by the baboon canopic jar. Nebt-Het protects Hapi as he protects the lungs of the deceased. Also like Nebt-Het, Hapi has no known temple which has been specifically dedicated to him.
Hapi is depicted with a round belly and prominent breasts. Usually holding one or two plants. The Papyrus thrives in the marshes of Lower Kemet and the Lotus thrives along the banks of Upper Kemet. The symbolism of Hapi holding both plants indicate the support of both regions.
An alternate depiction of Hapi is shown pouring two vases of water which also indiccates the support of the Two Lands.
Hapi is also depicted as twins. Hapi of Lower Kemet was named Hap-Meht with the papyri on his head and Hapi of Upper Kemet was named Hap-Reset with the Lotus on his head. The twin Hapis tying two plants in a knot symbolizes the unification of the Two Lands (Smai Twai).
Now there is a bit of confusion when I look among the current information of "Egyptologist" that is available today. I see an attempt to correct a "mistake". I remember learning in grade school about ancient Egypt (Kemet) in Social Studies and World history and one thing that always stuck with me was that while learning of all of the wonderful achievements and phenomenon of this great and powerful society of people, Upper Egypt was in the South and Lower Egypt in the North. Now some teachers tried to laugh it off like they did not know up from down but, as I contemplated further, it made sense to me that since all life, knowledge, commerce, etc...flowed from the Nile, it would be so important to look UP to the SOURCE of where this beautiful gift in what is otherwise a dessert flowed!!! Now put on your thinking cap and what does that tell you?
Now that's a change of perspective! Wow!
Now, according to Akhenaton, the waters of the Nile depend on light. It was light that controlled the rhythm of the inundation (flooding) and light comes from Aten, the Sun itself. Therefore Aten created Hapi. The inundation is marked by the Summer Solstice/Kemetic New Year. This time is also marked by the appearance of the Sirius star system that shines the brightest in the night sky over Kemet during this time.
Sepdet, the goddess that personified Sirius appeared annually during the time of the Solstice to herrald the time of the coming inundation of the Nile. The first new moon following the appearance of Sepdet marked the Kemetic New Year. Even if the inundation or Hapi has made its presence known by the rising of the waters or not, it is sure to soon come. Sepdet was seen as both goddess of inundation and fertility and thus came to be viewed as a manifestation of Auset. There is a powerful connection between the appearance of Sirius star system and the coming of Hapi (inundation). The Hapi is associated with the purifying life-giving Nile water (the breaking of Mother Auset's waters).
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