Thursday, January 30, 2014

Recipes for Elevation gets a Shining Review!!!

This has been an Spectacular Day. It is the day of the Black Super New Moon (2nd new moon in one month). Wonderful things are manifesting NOW and I would like to share with you.

Please share with me the happiness I am feeling with the publication of a book I have co-authored titled Recipes for Elevation.

What role does food play in spiritual elevation?     

From Ra Sekhi Arts Temple practitioners and masters of Kemetic reiki comes this unique book of vegetarian, vegan and raw food recipes blended with instructions for herbal remedies and spiritual baths.  Whether already enjoying a plant and fruit based lifestyle or just beginning one, I believe you will find this book relevant, assessable, and very helpful. Descriptions and explanations are given as to why alkaline food consumption is good for us.  My co-authors and I identify foods of high and low vibration, as well as extol the benefits of fasting.  We believe that a healthy diet is a pathway leading to optimal wellness—that creates favorable conditions for attaining spiritual enlightenment and elevation.

Authored by Ra Sekhi Arts Temple, by Mut Shat Shemsut, by Mut Kajara Nia Yaa Nebthet, by Aura Agape, by Qamarah Muhammad El Shamesh, by Aqseshsha Asu-at, by Tabia Khet Ra Maat, by Nova Kafele, and with cover art by Itiyopiya Ewart

Well, today I received some wonderful news in the form of an email today. A letter from Queen Afua was forwarded to me from one my Ra Sekhi siStars, Mut Shat today regarding a Recipes for Elevation, which is a recipe book that I co-authored with seven siStars of the Ra Sekhi Arts Temple. It said the following:

"Recipes for Elevation from beginning to end is an extraordinary work of seven sisterhood women. They are in harmony, sharing their various healing tools, from herbal tonics to spiritual baths, to food as medicine, to restore women and men. These women I call Ast and Nbt Het Ra (light) and Shu (breath) workers. These master Kemetic Reiki teachers, herbalist, chiefs and midwives offer us alternative medicine with which to heal ourselves. As I read through the various chapters I was ushered to the ancient healers, woman of antiquity, as these women recall for the reader a pathway home to wholeness. Seven powerful healing partners, “shining beings dwelling in light”, sent to the people to uplift, change, renew and elevate humanity with nature’s recipes—a gift of knowledge, a gift of life, a love supreme."

Queen Afua, Mut Nebt Het

If you are interested in purchasing Recipes for Elevation please copy and paste the following link to place your order today $12.95 + shipping and handling = $15.95

or email to request your copy.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Foods, Herbs, Spices and More to Combat Increased Environmental Stress due to Radiation Exposure

Hotep (Peace) & Greetings to ALL,

As we continue to pray for the healing of the Earth and the Waters, here are some tips on foods, spices and herbs to consume to protect you and your family from radiation exposure and harmful effects. Our bodies can adapt to certain levels of exposure as we are exposed everyday whether we know it or not. However, we need to be mindful as there are increased amounts now in the deep waters of the ocean. Do you remember the water cycle that we learned in school? We have the power of Spirit and Divine Intelligence. Let us focus our thoughts  &  prayers on transmuting these toxins and Healing. 

As a Ra Sekhi (Kemetic Reiki) Master/Teacher & Herbalist, I feel obligated to share with you some things that you can do to protect you and your families in the kitchen by using foods, spices, herbs and intention.

Orange and dark green foods such as sweet potatoes, winter squash, beets, carrots, collards, kale, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, chard, etc...Many of these dark greens are in the Cruciferous family and can protect from radiation damage on a cellular level. They are affordable and easily accessible and have a special place in my heart as they act like brooms and clean up the system of anything that causes imbalance. Those in the Cruciferous family are the greens listed above and, bok choy, brussel sprouts, arugula, radishes, turnips, etc...

Spices that are effective are Garlic, Ginger & Tumeric have radiation protective properties.

Seaweeds and algaes: kelp, spirulina, chlorella, Irish moss, etc...It has been proven that seaweeds can neutralize radioactive isotopes in the human body and can be excreted with relative ease. Keep in mind the Japanese diet because they have dealt with radiation before (Hiroshima & Nagasaki). For this reason I suggest you take a note to add miso and various seaweeds into your diet. However, it is not wise, in my opinion, considering the current circumstances to go to the Asian stores to get your seaweed now. I suggest that you make the budget stretch for the Health Food Store variety but, still read the labels carefully or ask the department manager about the source of the harvested seaweed. I suggest get seaweeds from the cold waters such as Norwegian Kelp. I would shy away from seaweed from the Pacific at this time.

Adaptogen herbs protect us from a wide variety of environmental stressors. They protect us from radiation-induced cellular damage. Some herbs that fit this category include but, not limited to Holy Basil (Tulsi), Astragalus, Siberian ginseng, Panax ginseng, American ginseng, Reishi mushroom, Burdock, Ginko biloba, & Rhodiola

Other herbs and vitamins:
-Green & Black Tea
-Vit. E
-Vit D3
-Dried lentils & Red Clover (corrects dna damage)
-St. John's Wort infused in oil/salve protects skin
-Nettles (nourishing)
-Various root vegetables particularly yams (the real yams)

You can also check out my blog regarding crystals to combat radiation and environmental stress:

I am also including links to other sources to back up the information that I have presented for you.

I must conclude with this DISCLAIMER: This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to serve as medical advice, and has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA or AMA. The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. If you are ill or suspect that you may have a health problem, it is recommended that you seek the advice of your health care provider.

Ankh, Udja, Seneb, (Life, Abundance, Good Health)
Sister Amsapa Shepsu Maat (Aura Agape)

For more information call 704-251-9770 or email