Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We live in an increasingly toxic world where incidents such as Fukashima are leaking radioactive waste into the ocean waters to add on to the long list of natural and man-made disasters that effect our planet and health of our ecosystem. We are constantly inundated with EMF Electro-magnetic Frequencies from broad use of appliances, electronics, cell phones, computers, and many, many other pollutants, toxins, and stress.  I have been asked many times of ways to protect and even cleanse themselves and their space.  

I suggest occassional unplugging is very necessary and could possibly be part of a detox program.  Cutting off and even unplugging can clear the space and energy for a while.  Have you ever had a short-term power outage?  Ever notice while nothing is on how quiet things can be? It is a time to increase your awareness of the natural state of your environment that you may overlook with the various distractions and background noises that is ever-present in our lives. 

I have even learned that covering electronics such as tv's, computers, stereos, etc. with a nice cloth can change the energy of the space as well. 

In addition to cleansing with  herbs, spices, food, water, sunlight, exercise, and rest, there are many lovely stones that can be used to our benefit and can find a home in our work and living spaces. I have personally attached stones to cellphones, computers and even placed in vehicles to lessen the negative effects of EMF, pollution, toxins, etc.  It may also serve you well to wear crystal jewelry with these stones to benefit your body and protect your own energy field and aura.

Amazonite:  protection against cell phones, microwaves, geopathic stress & any pollution.

Amber:  not a stone but, a resin that cleans the environment & chakras.

Amethyst:  blocks geopathic stress & negative environmental energies.

Aquamarine: harmonizes surroundings and protects against pollutants.

Aventurine: stone absorbs electromagnetic smog & protects against environmental pollutants.

Black Tourmaline:  protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog & radiation.

Diamonds:  blocks geopathic electromagnetic stress & protects against cell phones.

Fluorite:  cleanses & stabilizes the aura. Effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.  Overcomes disorganization.

Jet:  Protective energies.

Kunzite:  blocks geopathic stress & is most effective worn as pendant or taped to cell phone or electromagnetic devices.

Smoky Quartz:  Grounding spiritual energy & gently neutralizes negative vibrations.  Blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, & assists elimination and detoxification on all levels.  Excellent for treating radiation-related illness or chemotherapy.