Sunday, March 24, 2013

Learning Organically Uses Herb'N Spice Products During Spring Cleanse!

View the videos:  Day 6 of Spring Cleanse
Learning Organically Uses Herb'N Spice Products for cleanse.
Swiss Chard Chips made with Herb'N Spice Original Spice & Green Life blends.

"Just want you to know that your spices helped me make it through this cleanse!!! I shouted you out on the videos too!!! lol" -Morenike

It feels good to know that people are enjoying the products that I make and they are benefiting from using them.  I give thanks for divine inspiration to make these products so I appreciate the love!  We keep circulating love in abundance because LOVE is ALWAYS the main ingredient.

"... my husband is absolutely in LOVE with that deodorant that you made. I used [Balance Stress Relief]that sleep aid 2 nights in a row to help me relax. OMG!!! That stuff is better than melatonin! You are truly doing what you love WITH love! I can tell and I am so glad that you discovered what you are destined to do. " -Morenike

Here's one more cool video to check out: After the 10th Day of the Cleanse

I suggest that you watch more of her wonderful videos and subscribe to the YouTube channel:  learningorganically.  I am personally looking forward to watching more.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Herb'N Spice is Now Offering Aqua Chi foot detox services!!!

Aqua Chi foot detox can help detox your body.

We all need to cleanse on a cellular level. Our bodies, particularly our liver and kidneys have become saturated with toxins that we've absorbed over time through the air we breathe, the fluids we drink, and the food we eat. Everyday toxins can be poisons, heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, smog, and many substances we don't even know are leaching into our bodies via our clothing, our furniture, and even carpets. Many of the worst toxins we can ingest are put into our foods as additives and preservatives, yet many of us STILL aren't even aware or apathetic of this.  Toxins and poor-quality food accelerate the aging process at a cellular level.   A periodic foot detox treatment with the Aqua Chi foot spa helps counter this process by removing toxins from your body.

When the body encounters toxins, the body responds in a few ways to handle them: hides them in fat; dumps them into tissue, such as muscle, organs, and bone; or eliminates them through waste.  In this day and age of pollution, stress, pesticides, medication, etc. Our bodies are overloaded.  If we pay attention, we will find that our bodies alert us that they are in a toxic state by sending messages such as fatigue, gas, headaches, food cravings, constipation, food allergies, chronic pain, blood sugar imbalances (diabetes and hypoglycemia), attention problems, premenstrual syndrome, poor sleep, acne and other skin problems, poor digestion, bad breath, and a host of other conditions.  Herb’N Spice, LLC offers a natural way to detoxify your body with an Aqua Chi foot spa session to increase energy levels and assist in cleansing the body on a cellular level.

Herb’N Spice, LLC is pleased to offer this innovative technology to our clients.

Some of the best results reported from a foot detox have been with detoxification, improved sleeping patterns, pain reduction, and reduced inflammation and recovery time.  Users have experienced improvement in many chronic conditions through regular use of the Aqua Chi foot detox.  But even without an obvious health challenge a periodic foot detox makes sense in maintaining our health and detoxifying the body.  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as the saying goes.

Typically, after an Aqua Chi foot detox, users feel more relaxed and experience increased mental clarity.  Users continue to report, however, that it is the cumulative effect of periodic foot detox sessions on a consistent basis that provides greater long term benefits. $40 for 45 min service.

To inquire more about Aqua Chi foot detox services, call 704-251-9770 for more information and to schedule your next appointment. Mobile services are available upon request additional fees will be applied. 
Appointments only.
1327 Beatties Ford Rd, 2nd floor, Charlotte, NC 28216

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Herb'N Garden Collective: Let's Get it Started!!!

Herb'N Garden Collective is meeting at A New Vision CDC today 3-6pm. 500 W. 32nd St. Charlotte, NC 28205. Come check out the local community garden that we will grow together!!!