Sunday, December 29, 2013

Recipes for Elevation has recipes from members of Ra Sekhi Arts Temple. There are recipes for smoothies, teas, tonics, personal products, spiritual baths, salads, and more! Some of the recipes included are by yours truly, Aura Agape of Herb'N Spice! This is very exciting as this is not your mother's cookbook of recipes;-)

Purchase your copy and Elevate today! Only $12.95 + $3.50 shipping

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


We live in an increasingly toxic world where incidents such as Fukashima are leaking radioactive waste into the ocean waters to add on to the long list of natural and man-made disasters that effect our planet and health of our ecosystem. We are constantly inundated with EMF Electro-magnetic Frequencies from broad use of appliances, electronics, cell phones, computers, and many, many other pollutants, toxins, and stress.  I have been asked many times of ways to protect and even cleanse themselves and their space.  

I suggest occassional unplugging is very necessary and could possibly be part of a detox program.  Cutting off and even unplugging can clear the space and energy for a while.  Have you ever had a short-term power outage?  Ever notice while nothing is on how quiet things can be? It is a time to increase your awareness of the natural state of your environment that you may overlook with the various distractions and background noises that is ever-present in our lives. 

I have even learned that covering electronics such as tv's, computers, stereos, etc. with a nice cloth can change the energy of the space as well. 

In addition to cleansing with  herbs, spices, food, water, sunlight, exercise, and rest, there are many lovely stones that can be used to our benefit and can find a home in our work and living spaces. I have personally attached stones to cellphones, computers and even placed in vehicles to lessen the negative effects of EMF, pollution, toxins, etc.  It may also serve you well to wear crystal jewelry with these stones to benefit your body and protect your own energy field and aura.

Amazonite:  protection against cell phones, microwaves, geopathic stress & any pollution.

Amber:  not a stone but, a resin that cleans the environment & chakras.

Amethyst:  blocks geopathic stress & negative environmental energies.

Aquamarine: harmonizes surroundings and protects against pollutants.

Aventurine: stone absorbs electromagnetic smog & protects against environmental pollutants.

Black Tourmaline:  protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog & radiation.

Diamonds:  blocks geopathic electromagnetic stress & protects against cell phones.

Fluorite:  cleanses & stabilizes the aura. Effective against computer and electromagnetic stress.  Overcomes disorganization.

Jet:  Protective energies.

Kunzite:  blocks geopathic stress & is most effective worn as pendant or taped to cell phone or electromagnetic devices.

Smoky Quartz:  Grounding spiritual energy & gently neutralizes negative vibrations.  Blocks geopathic stress, absorbs electromagnetic smog, & assists elimination and detoxification on all levels.  Excellent for treating radiation-related illness or chemotherapy.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Herb'N Spice Featured in Huami Magazine September/October 2013

I am very excited to be one of the featured businesses in Huami Magazine. If you want to know more about Herb'N Spice, LLC and our humble beginnings and more about what we have to offer? Check out the article featuring yours truly, Aura Agape of Herb'N Spice, LLC on page 20-21 Huami Magazine!!! Feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Benefits of Figs: The Inverted Flower

I just enjoy eating fresh figs this time of year harvested from my family's back yard!  They are naturally sweet, delicious and full of fiber.  Did you know that the fruit is actually an inverted flower?  I thought that was cool to know.  In addition there are many cool things to know about figs in relation to our health and wellness.  

According to
Nutrition: Figs are high in natural and simple sugars, minerals and fibre. They contain good levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and manganese. Dried figs contain an impressive 250mg of calcium per 100g, compared to whole milk with only 118mg.

Health Benefits: The health benefits of figs include promoting healthy bowel function due to the high levels of fibre. Figs are amongst the most highly alkaline foods, making them useful in balancing the pH of the body. They are a good source of potassium, important in helping to regulate blood pressure.

Click on the following Link: For even more info on the many ways figs benefit weight loss, lowering cholesterol, cancer prevention, and even the fig leaves are helpful to diabetics!  Make a tea with the leaves by adding boiling water and allow to steep for about 20 mins to enjoy a pleasantly nutty drink.  Add a natural sweetener such as raw honey, maple syrup, stevia or agave. If you have a fig tree, get out there and pick them before the birds, squirrels and bees get them all!  Dried figs are in your local produce or bulk department of health-centered grocery markets.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Get Your Vitamin D!

Black People with melanin-rich skin often are deficient in vitamin D. Many of us know that we get Vitamin D from the sun but, we don't spend enough time out for the sun to shine down on us since most of our time is spent indoors. Light hitting the skin from the sun’s rays stimulates the production of this vitamin and hormone. Dark-skinned people don't absorb the Vitamin D from the sun as quickly. My simple suggestion is 20-30 mins. or more in the sun daily between 10am- 3pm if your climate and weather permits. Remember to turn up your palms to the sun to increase your Vitamin D absorption.

For those who are curious about additional Vitamin D sources:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Aqua Chi Foot Detox Service Information & FAQs

Aqua Chi foot detox can help detox your body.
We all need to cleanse on a cellular level. Our bodies, particularly our liver and kidneys have become saturated with toxins that we've absorbed over time through the air we breathe, the fluids we drink, and the food we eat. Everyday toxins can be poisons, heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, smog, and many substances we don't even know are leaching into our bodies via our clothing, our furniture, and even carpets. Many of the worst toxins we can ingest are put into our foods as additives and preservatives, yet many of us STILL aren't even aware or apathetic of this.  Toxins and poor-quality food accelerate the aging process at a cellular level.   A periodic foot detox treatment with the Aqua Chi foot spa helps counter this process by removing toxins from your body.

When the body encounters toxins, the body responds in a few ways to handle them: hides them in fat; dumps them into tissue, such as muscle, organs, and bone; or eliminates them through waste.  In this day and age of pollution, stress, pesticides, medication, etc. Our bodies are overloaded.  If we pay attention, we will find that our bodies alert us that they are in a toxic state by sending messages such as fatigue, gas, headaches, food cravings, constipation, food allergies, chronic pain, blood sugar imbalances (diabetes and hypoglycemia), attention problems, premenstrual syndrome, poor sleep, acne and other skin problems, poor digestion, bad breath, and a host of other conditions.  Herb’N Spice, LLC offers a natural way to detoxify your body with an Aqua Chi foot spa session to increase energy levels and assist in cleansing the body on a cellular level.
Herb’N Spice, LLC is pleased to offer this innovative technology to our clients.
Some of the best results reported from a foot detox have been with detoxification, improved sleeping patterns, pain reduction, and reduced inflammation and recovery time.  Users have experienced improvement in many chronic conditions through regular use of the Aqua Chi foot detox.  But even without an obvious health challenge a periodic foot detox makes sense in maintaining our health and detoxifying the body.  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as the saying goes.

Typically, after an Aqua Chi foot detox, users feel more relaxed and experience increased mental clarity.  Users continue to report, however, that it is the cumulative effect of periodic foot detox sessions on a consistent basis that provides greater long term benefits. $40 for 45 min service.

To inquire more about Aqua Chi foot detox services, call 704-251-9770 for more information and to schedule your next appointment.

Frequently Asked questions:

What can I expect to feel during and after the footbath session?

Many experience a gentle tingling sensation during the footbath. After the footbath, it is typical to feel relaxed and have heightened mental clarity and a greater sense of well-being. Some find that they sleep better while many people that are experiencing chronic joint and muscle pain report immediate relief.
It is also possible to feel a negative effect of detoxification. It is widely accepted that persons doing a detox may experience headache or flu like symptoms. The goal is to not detox too rapidly so that you avoid these symptoms. Compared to other detox methods, an ionic foot detox generally works well with the body and does not usually produce negative effects.

Do I need to do anything differently?

It is very important to keep the body hydrated and drink plenty of water. We also suggest a quality trace mineral supplement. By increasing your water and mineral intake you will help the body flush out the released toxins.

How often should one detox?

Depending on the individual, we recommend 3x a week for 2-4 weeks. As with most alternative therapies we believe it is good to give the body a rest and let it completely balance out without external stimuli for a period of 2-4 weeks. If you are feeling well we recommend maintenance sessions of 1-2 times per week. Everyone is unique and each person will have to adjust to his or her own body’s needs. Consulting an alternative practitioner familiar with Ionic detox therapy is also recommended.

What is the importance of negative ions?

Researchers have found that negative ions reduce neurosis and anxiety, stimulate and heighten sexual behavior, appetite and thirst. Negative ions promote alpha brain waves and increase brain wave amplitude, which translates to a higher awareness levels. Negative ions are a very powerful antioxidant and deliver more oxygen to the body. Negative ions alkalize and balance the body pH that is important for the body to begin healing itself.

Why is the body pH so important?

If you have a health problem, most likely you are acidic. Disease can only grab hold in an acid environment. We have seen that research shows that unless the body’s pH level is slightly alkaline, the body cannot heal itself. If your body’s pH is not balanced, you cannot effectively assimilate vitamins, minerals and food supplements. Your body pH affects everything.

What is an array and how long do they last?

A foot bath array is a series of metal alloy plates. These plates are connected to the foot detox machine. The machine produces the electrical current and it is dispersed from the plates into the water creating ionization. Array life will vary with each manufacturer but a typical array lasts 30-50 sessions.

How do I clean my array?

Most manufacturers recommend cleaning the array after each use. Many people use either a solution of approximately 50%vinegar and water or you may use CLR de scaling agent. The ion spa has their own solution which works very well too. Usually soaking the array for about 10 minutes and then rinsing with hot water works best. After cleaning, a disinfectant is recommended as well. This is especially important if you are doing public sessions.

Can this process prevent disease?

Most disease states cannot survive in an alkaline environment. Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Acid prevents oxygen from reaching the tissues that need it. An ionic foot detox is not meant to cure any disease; it is meant to help the body to detoxify and allow the body to heal itself.

Who should NOT use the machine?

People with a Pacemaker or any other battery-operated or electrical implant.
Women who are pregnant or nursing.
People with transplanted organs. (Gallbladder or hysterectomies ok)
Anyone who is on heart beat regulating medications or blood thinners.
People with Type 1 Diabetes.
People who suffer from epilepsy or hemophilia.
People undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.
People who have low blood sugar, should eat before using the footbath.
Children under the age of 5 years old.


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Herb'N Spice, LLC makes no medical claims and makes no statements of validation. Always consult with your professional health care provider before beginning any health care regimen.

Foot Detox Services NOW Available...the more you buy, the more you SAVE!!!

Herb’N Spice, LLC
Aqua Chi Foot Detox Special 

You deserve the gift of wellness. Invest in yourself and your loved ones today.
The more you get, the more you save and benefit from this wellness service!

1 Session $40
2 Sessions $60
***4 Sessions $100***
Call 704-251-9770 to schedule today and SAVE!

Ask about how to get a FREE FOOT DETOX.

Herb’N Spice, LLC, 1327 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216

Number of Sessions

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Learning Organically Uses Herb'N Spice Products During Spring Cleanse!

View the videos:  Day 6 of Spring Cleanse
Learning Organically Uses Herb'N Spice Products for cleanse.
Swiss Chard Chips made with Herb'N Spice Original Spice & Green Life blends.

"Just want you to know that your spices helped me make it through this cleanse!!! I shouted you out on the videos too!!! lol" -Morenike

It feels good to know that people are enjoying the products that I make and they are benefiting from using them.  I give thanks for divine inspiration to make these products so I appreciate the love!  We keep circulating love in abundance because LOVE is ALWAYS the main ingredient.

"... my husband is absolutely in LOVE with that deodorant that you made. I used [Balance Stress Relief]that sleep aid 2 nights in a row to help me relax. OMG!!! That stuff is better than melatonin! You are truly doing what you love WITH love! I can tell and I am so glad that you discovered what you are destined to do. " -Morenike

Here's one more cool video to check out: After the 10th Day of the Cleanse

I suggest that you watch more of her wonderful videos and subscribe to the YouTube channel:  learningorganically.  I am personally looking forward to watching more.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Herb'N Spice is Now Offering Aqua Chi foot detox services!!!

Aqua Chi foot detox can help detox your body.

We all need to cleanse on a cellular level. Our bodies, particularly our liver and kidneys have become saturated with toxins that we've absorbed over time through the air we breathe, the fluids we drink, and the food we eat. Everyday toxins can be poisons, heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, smog, and many substances we don't even know are leaching into our bodies via our clothing, our furniture, and even carpets. Many of the worst toxins we can ingest are put into our foods as additives and preservatives, yet many of us STILL aren't even aware or apathetic of this.  Toxins and poor-quality food accelerate the aging process at a cellular level.   A periodic foot detox treatment with the Aqua Chi foot spa helps counter this process by removing toxins from your body.

When the body encounters toxins, the body responds in a few ways to handle them: hides them in fat; dumps them into tissue, such as muscle, organs, and bone; or eliminates them through waste.  In this day and age of pollution, stress, pesticides, medication, etc. Our bodies are overloaded.  If we pay attention, we will find that our bodies alert us that they are in a toxic state by sending messages such as fatigue, gas, headaches, food cravings, constipation, food allergies, chronic pain, blood sugar imbalances (diabetes and hypoglycemia), attention problems, premenstrual syndrome, poor sleep, acne and other skin problems, poor digestion, bad breath, and a host of other conditions.  Herb’N Spice, LLC offers a natural way to detoxify your body with an Aqua Chi foot spa session to increase energy levels and assist in cleansing the body on a cellular level.

Herb’N Spice, LLC is pleased to offer this innovative technology to our clients.

Some of the best results reported from a foot detox have been with detoxification, improved sleeping patterns, pain reduction, and reduced inflammation and recovery time.  Users have experienced improvement in many chronic conditions through regular use of the Aqua Chi foot detox.  But even without an obvious health challenge a periodic foot detox makes sense in maintaining our health and detoxifying the body.  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” as the saying goes.

Typically, after an Aqua Chi foot detox, users feel more relaxed and experience increased mental clarity.  Users continue to report, however, that it is the cumulative effect of periodic foot detox sessions on a consistent basis that provides greater long term benefits. $40 for 45 min service.

To inquire more about Aqua Chi foot detox services, call 704-251-9770 for more information and to schedule your next appointment. Mobile services are available upon request additional fees will be applied. 
Appointments only.
1327 Beatties Ford Rd, 2nd floor, Charlotte, NC 28216

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Herb'N Garden Collective: Let's Get it Started!!!

Herb'N Garden Collective is meeting at A New Vision CDC today 3-6pm. 500 W. 32nd St. Charlotte, NC 28205. Come check out the local community garden that we will grow together!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Foods, Herbs, Spices & Cautions for Hypertension and Related Heart Conditions

Foods, Herbs, Spices & Cautions for Hypertension and Related Heart Conditions
By Aura Agape

Using herbs and spices are beneficial to reduce sodium intake rather than reaching for salt all the time to flavor foods.  You will be pleasantly surprised at the flavors that certain herbs and spices may awaken in you. It is wise to remove table salt from the diet.  We use the wrong type of salt that has no nutritional value and is loaded with harmful chemicals.  However, removing table salt is not enough to lower blood pressure as many processed foods are loaded with salt.  Read labels carefully and pay attention to ingredients list and avoid food products listed with “salt”, “soda”, “sodium” or the symbol “Na”  on the label. 

Some food and food additives to avoid include monosodium glutamate (MSG); baking soda, canned vegetables (unless marked sodium or salt-free); commercially prepared foods; over-the-counter medications that contain ibuprofen; diet soft drinks; foods with mold inhibitors, preservatives, and/or sugar substitutes; meat tenderizers; softened water; and soy sauce.

Avoid common table sugar which elevates blood pressure, constricts blood vessels & retains sodium. Alternatives to common table sugar are maple syrup, honey &, agave.  Substitute these in recipes and cut the amounts in half.  For example if the recipe calls for 1 cup of sugar, use ½ cup of maple syrup, honey, or agave.  Stevia is another alternative. I like to use fresh stevia from the garden and dry the excess and make extracts as well.  Utilize sugars naturally found in (dried) fruit such as finely chopped dates or (soak dates in water and drain the water after a few hours).   Great fruits to incorporate to naturally sweeten foods are dried and fresh fruits such as dates, raisins, apples, bananas & I am sure that there are others. 

Avoid all alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco, and foods such as aged cheeses, aged meats, anchovies, chocolate, 
fava beans, pickled herring.  Avoid all animal fats. Pork, beef, bouillons, chicken liver, dairy products, gravies, and smoked or processed meats are prohibited.  Acceptable animal foods are broiled white fish and skinless turkey or chicken, and these should be consumed in moderation only.  Get protein from vegetable sources, grains, & legumes instead.

One should consume a high-fiber diet and possibly take supplemental fiber.  Oat bran is excellent.
Note:  Take supplemental fiber separately from other supplements and medications.
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, asparagus, bananas, bell peppers, bok choy, broccoli, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, celery, eggplant, garlic, grapefruit, green leafy vegetables, melons, leeks, onions, peas, prunes, raisins, squash, sweet potatoes and, tomatoes. 

Eat grains like black or brown rice, quinoa, spelt, kamut, buckwheat, millet, and oats.

Juicing is a quick way to get your daily supply of fresh fruits and vegetables and benefit from the vitamins, and minerals. Include fresh “live” juices in the diet to replace processed commercial fruit drinks should be incorporated to improve your heart health.  Consider the following:  beet, carrot, celery, currant, cranberry, citrus fruit, parsley, spinach, and watermelon.

Dehydration can constrict blood vessels in the body, thus raises the blood pressure even more and increasing future complications associated with high blood pressure and heart disease.  It is always important to DRINK PLENTY OF WATER throughout the day.  A glass of water every hour is a good rule of thumb.  Set a goal to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.  Many of our health issues can be relieved if we simply drink more water.  We are made of mostly water and water helps everything to flow smoothly.  Water should be your main drink. 

HERBS & SPICES:  hibiscus, rosehips, ginger, cayenne (capsicum), chamomile, hawthorn berry, fennel, Siberian ginseng, golden seal, raspberry leaves, citrus peel, licorice root parsley and rosemary.  Hops, skullcap, passion flower & valerian root are good for calming the nerves.

A couple of my favorite heart healthy recipes listed below:
Forbidden Rice Salad

2 cups Black Rice

4 cups water

Sea Salt

1 med carrot

1 broccoli crown or bunch of fresh herbs

1 lemon or tbs ACV

2 tbsp vegannaise

Cook 2 Cups Black Rice in 4 Cups Water.  Add Sea Salt to taste (optional).  Bring to boil and reduce to simmer 45 mins or until tender.  Add 1 med carrot diced or shredded.  Chop broccoli crown or fresh herbs (i.e. parsley, methi leaves, etc…) add to rice.  Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the mixture and add 2 tbsp Vegannaise. Mix ingredients & chill 30 mins or more.  Serves 4

Collard Green Salad


½ bunch organic collard greens

1 cup shredded organic carrots, beets, turnips and, herbs like parsley, watercress, or a few sprigs of cilantro

2-3 cloves garlic (minced) equivalent of 1 tbsp

1/3 organic apple cider vinegar

¼ organic extra virgin olive oil

3 tbsp raw agave nectar

1 tsp nutritional yeast

Pink Himalayan Sea Salt

Green Life Seasoning Spice Blend


½ bunch of collard greens (washed well & sliced thinly or torn into small bite-sized pieces). It is optional to add shredded 
carrots, beets, turnips, or herbs like parsley, watercress, a few sprigs of cilantro…to the mix. Be creative and go for color! Colorful peppers will do just the trick. Add about a tbs of minced garlic (2-3 cloves) if you choose. Drizzle approx 1/3 cup of organic apple cider vinegar. I do not measure usually but, I am offering rough measurements. I am usually pretty spot-on when I do add configurations for those who need specific instructions.

Drizzle of approx ¼ cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil as well. Add a few tbs of raw agave nectar. I can see maple syrup being useful in this recipe as well. Add a tsp of nutritional yeast. A few shakes of Pink Himalayan salt. Add a level tsp of my Green Life seasoning blend of Herb’N Spices with Spirulina, Chlorella, Kelp, parsley, dill, onion, garlic, & other spices.
Mix well & sprinkle a tsp each of chia, flax or even sunflower or pumpkin seeds. I did an omega-3 rich combo of chia and flax for Sunday’s group. Serve, eat up and enjoy. It is even better if you let it sit overnight chilled to marinate.

Disclaimer: Don’t hold me to the exact measurements. I am black and have been cooking since a little
girl. I don’t have to measure. I know how food works and how it tastes. When you open yourself up to
allow your senses to explore the foods that you are to enjoy, then preparing foods will become much
more easy and natural for you.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice and has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA or AMA.  The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease.  If you are ill or suspect that you may have a health problem, it is recommended that you seek the advice of your health care provider.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Insight & Tips to Weathering the Girl Scout "Cookie Storm"

It’s a new beginning to a new year!  We are approaching the end of the first month of 2013.  People (myself included) have feasted and fasted and now following through on the promises made to self to do better this year in regard to habits. I have incorporated a regular workout routine that has proven interesting and effective thus far.  I also have begun dancing.  I thought that I would enroll in a class but, I have been recruited to TEACH a class for the next 5 weeks at a local church!  Wow!  I didn’t see that coming but, I am up for the challenge.  I am MOTIVATED.  I have barely reached the mile-marker of 21-days to re-adjust old habits to the new and improved habits that support the vision of what I want for myself.  I feel stronger, more agile and, fit.  I can see visible differences in the mirror and the way I feel.  Great!

Then as I am on the phone with a friend, she asks,  “would you be interested in purchasing any Girl Scout cookies from my daughter?”  Damn!  Just as I am seeing and feeling my progress, temptations arise.  I know that I am not alone.  I think about the many who make resolutions in the beginning of the year and slowly over time their resolutions dissolve into vapors as if they were never there.  I think to myself, “Those cute little girls with their annual fundraising and cookies are at it again!”

I like the Girl Scouts of America and what they stand for.  I remember my days as a little Girl Scout, learning, setting goals,winnng a prizes and patches, selling to neighbors, family, friends of family, teachers, and of course having my parents sell on my behalf at work.  I can emphathize with those who live in a house with a serious Girl Scout and trying to maintain their weight loss and other wellness goals.  I have come up with some ideas to not get derailed from your wellness and fitness plan.

DONATE.  You can support your local Girl Scout by opting out of getting cookies but, donating a set amount to benefit the troop.  You are supporting the Girl Scout and your wellness & fitness goals at the same time.

PURCHASE & FREEZE.  You can pick a number of boxes (please make it a reasonable #) and freeze the boxes so that they can be rationed out as a reward.  Small doses are allowable.  I strongly suggest that serving amounts are maintained to no more than 3 cookies at a time.  Say what you want, I am offering real solutions for real people. I know that there are some die-hard wellness experts out there that may be appalled that I would even make this allowance but, the truth is that the bulk of the people that I deal with are everyday people who are accustomed to eating the Standard American Diet (SAD) and eat out regularly. As a matter of fact.  I personally don’t think that the cookies taste the same as once before.  It is no longer difficult for me to turn them down.  If I am going to eat something that I know that I will have to clean up or make up for, it has to be worth it. 

BE INFORMED.  Know what you are putting into your body and research the ingredients and the nutritional content.  Go to:  This will help you decide for yourself if these little cookies are even worth the trouble. 

There are ingredients that I consider to be everyday no-no’s so consume at your own risk. White flour and sugar ingredients in addition to the hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup are mucus forming .  I also have my suspicions that the soy, cottonseed, and corn products are NOT organic and possibly GMO.   I have not confirmed this to be true so do your own research. In the meantime.  Be strong.  If you falter, don’t beat yourself up too bad.  Pick yourself up and keep moving because life goes on.  Don’t let one poor choice stop you from making better choices for yourself in the future.  If you can make it through Spring, then you have weathered the “cookie storm”. 

Good Luck!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

It’s a New Year! According the Julian Calendar it is year 2013!  As far as I am concerned, EVERYDAY is a new day and consequently a New Year in some point of our rotation around the sun.  However, our collective focus marks a new beginning.  I have done much to reflect the marked events, lessons, opportunities, relationships & experiences of 2012. I also envision how to take things to a new level in 2013 and beyond.  It is amazing how time flies! 

2012 was a year of cultivating a higher vibration collectively.  There was the Heal Thyself Collective that emphasized self-care, cleansing, natural lifestyle, herbs, foods, and various exercises to achieve a higher quality of living & wellness.  We gathered together in a supportive and learning environment and had fun in the process.  I also facilitated health and wellness lectures regularly with The Afrikan Village & Cultural Center in Charlotte, NC.  I can’t tell you how fulfilling it is to arm people with practical information and confidence to improve their habits & mindset so that we are healthy enough to carry out the work of our purpose.  It is a wonderful feeling to see people make positive changes in their lives and know that they have the tools to continue to build on the knowledge that they have and put it into action!

The Herb’N Garden Collective was formed and had a productive year to collectively “grow together” through the growing seasons with new and seasoned gardeners in various settings.  In addition, we did Herb'N Nature Walks to explore wildcrafting. We made learning fun and applicable through exchanging seeds, plants, information, recipes & solutions to benefit our group and supporting communities.  

Open-air classes were established at the Cathcart Family Farm in Rock Hill, SC.  The classes were a great environment to see various techniques at work and offer participants the hands-on opportunity to learn and experience cultivation, harvesting & processing techniques so that we can make the most and better manage our resources from the land & collective efforts. 

I achieved a dream close to my heart, with the help of many prayers, encouragement, & contributions as I went on my very first trip to Africa!!!  I spent a bit more than 2 weeks in Nigeria where I learned so much about to local herbs, foods, culture, business environment & traditions in the areas that I traveled.  I returned and shared my experience with any who had an interest and an ear.  It is obvious that there are solutions to our challenges in the US in Africa and that there are things that we can share through our collective memory, experiences and resources that will benefit our Mother Land.  It is an experience that I intend to build on this year as I prepare to return again.  Although I learned much, I am sure that I barely scratched the surface of the deep knowledge and ancestral history that resides there.  I hope that you will join with me in as I return again this year.

There were many wonderful people, experiences & things that I am grateful for as I reflect on all the changes and advancements.  I am grateful for the experience of Serenity Suites as a center for community wellness and launching pad for our collective of small businesses.  I am truly blessed with a wonderful family, friends, colleagues, and a very supportive community who continuously sends me love.  I am inspired to do even more.  Therefore, I continue to Send Love in Every Direction and Love will always be the main ingredient in EVERYTHING that I do!  

Join me this NEW DAY/NEW YEAR so that we can make the very best of what's to come!!!  Happy New Year!

I have only highlighted a portion of what has been done. If you want more information or to inquire about consultations, classes, lectures, groups, events, products and services, email: