Thursday, August 30, 2012

Just in!!!  I am very pleased to announce that I have JADE EGGS in stock!!! I have a limited supply starting at $30. 

According to Taoists, the use of a stone egg to strengthen the vagina is a practice which evolved in ancient China.Teachings indicate that this practice remained in the Royal Palace and was taught only to the queen and concubines. Many who mastered what is now referred to as "sexual kung fu" experienced numerous benefits including very good health, remaining young and bountiful, with sexual organs in old age as tight and resilient as those of a young, unmarried lady. Originally, however the Egg Exercise and Vaginal Weight Lifting were implemented for improving health, both physically and spiritually, since these exercises provide more power to the vaginal "Chi Muscle" or Yoni to lift the sexual energy inward and upward where it will be transformed into higher spiritual energy.
The egg is a marvelous way to strengthen and control the Yoni. It is easier to practice control of the various muscle groups with an egg in the vagina since, as the egg moves, you can feel the direction in which the muscle moves more distinctly. Controlling this voluntary muscle means control of the many involuntary muscles in this area as well. Also, as you master the use of this muscle of the vagina and perineum, you simultaneously tone up the lower abdomen.  

There are many benefits to jade egg practice as it is an excellent tool for strengthening and improving the control of the yoni muscles and the flow of sexual energy and balance.  It can also enhance the quality of your orgasms and eliminate urinary incontinence. These are the perfect size for the beginner and those who are working toward becoming the advanced practitioner. Call to get yours today while supplies last 704-251-9770 

The time has come to add some spice to your life!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cathcart Farm Presents
 Aura agape
 SendinLuv Wellness Services
Herb ‘N Spice, LLC
Herb’N Garden Community Educational Series
Every 1st & 3rd Saturday 10:30am-12:30pm

Together we will grow, harvest, use, preserve & store herbs for culinary & therapeutic purposes.
Organic and conventional produce are available from the farm for purchase.
Hands-on Demonstrations
Love offerings/Donations are accepted and appreciated
Call today for further inquiry 866-944-9560 ext 703