Sunday, April 29, 2012

My Personal Lesson on the Journey: I have not even left yet!

Patience is a virtue best learned with an open heart and a smile.  Everything for a reason... so why bother with wasting energy with stressful thinking?  I had my fill of it on Friday when I got word that my paperwork has yet to be returned to me.  I STILL don't have my visa in hand and I want to keep my ticket good.  So I cancelled the flight to reschedule after all of my travel documents are returned.   So since things don't move at the pace at which I like, I cannot sit around a mope but for so long.  Believe me, I am very disappointed that I have been proactive as much as possible and still delays like this are happening.  I have done my part and will continue to do so.  It is a bit frustrating but, what can I do?  The rest is up to God and my ancestors.  I will not force a situation. I KNOW that I AM going and that I will have an enjoyable and life-changing experience. 

It is just that to apply for the visa, an itinerary is required before-hand but, what do I do when the dates of the itinerary are not carefully noted by those who have all that I need for international travel and entry (literally) in their hands? 

I have to swallow the $250 cancellation fee to change the travel schedule and this time, since the process has already begun, I wait more.  While I wait, I will take time to reflect, plan and move forward with my work.  All things work together for the with each breath that I breathe, I will remain in a state of gratitude.  For me, the sun rises again, and again, and again...

Dance with me please to this tune and see the beautiful things in life and feel the joy that is in this song.

Life remains purposeful and beautiful.  More time to take care of business on this side of the water.  It is a beautiful day

Thursday, April 26, 2012



I apologize for the delay in updating you on my progress.  I have been very busy as my time is drawing near for my departure on APRIL 30, 2012!!!  Yes, I am departing on Monday!  I HAVE MY TICKETS AND TRAVEL ITINERARY!!!  It is truly a feat as I aim to balance between traveling light and being prepared for the journey.   There is so much to do to prepare for the trip itself such as laundry, packing, a small bit of shopping for essentials, and attending to as many needs of my clients and business as much as possible. 

I am doing my best to leave a decent amount of inventory at Serenity Suites while away, since everything is handmade.  In addition, there is still the Herb’N Garden Collective and making sure that growth continues individually and collectively for the people as well as plants.  I know that everything is left in good and caring hands. 

I cannot begin to thank you enough.  It is an honor to serve the needs of the community and you all mean so much to me.  I am carrying you in my heart and mind as I journey to Mama Africa.  I am certain that what I learn and experience will be used to enhance the work that I do.   I truly appreciate all of the continued support and donations. I am still working, saving and collecting donations to have money to carry for the journey itself.   If you have intentions to give, it is not too late.  Your contributions are appreciated.  I will be in and out of Serenity Suites from now until Sunday.  You may mail or drop off your donations at Serenity Suites, 3012 N. Davidson St, Charlotte, NC 28205.  Please make checks and money orders should be made out to Kimberley Baucom.  Another quick and easy option is to click on the following paypal link: 

Thank you so much for continued prayers for a successful & enjoyable journey and safe return. 

SendinLuv in Every Direction,

Aura Agape

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Update: SendinLuv Africa 2012 Trip


Thank you so much family for all of you who have given so generously from your hearts.  I am very close to my goal and people continue to bless me.  The offerings of love, advice, support and monetary contributions have gone a loooong way in such a short time.  I am quickly approaching the costs to cover the air fare (93%) & 57% of my ultimate goal!  I am learning and growing on this journey that has begun even before I take off.  It has truly been a faith walk for me. 

I am still waiting to get my visa that is required for my stay in Nigeria (my primary destination).  My passport has been sent to Maryland to get a visa by Nigerian consulate officials and now the passport has returned unstamped!!!  There seems to have been some confusion regarding the changes in Nigerian government regulations (from what I understand).  So once again I have to send the passport and documents to get the required paperwork.  I guess this is one benefit of traveling with a group rather than as an individual.  There is probably not as much hassle and runaround when you have others to take care of these matters for you.  Who knows, maybe my challenges will help others in the future who aim to travel the same path as I am traveling now.  I know that all is well and that God & my God-given purpose is greater than my challenges.  Please continue to pray for me.  I KNOW THAT PRAYER WORKS! 

First, I must share about how I was blessed to be surrounded by a gathering of some phenomenal women on Sunday who shared their prayers and blessings and requests as I prepare to leave.  It was amazing!  We shared some wonderful tea, a blend of mint and Quinquilliba (an African detoxing herb that is very rich in quinine to offer protection from the mosquitos).  An herb that this potent is expected to not be as tasty as it was!  All I did was simmer the leaves for about 15 or so mins and allow to cool.  Then I added a few tablespoons of raw agave nectar (natural sweetener that is diabetic-friendly because it does not spike the blood glucose levels and has no nasty after taste), stir and serve.  It was that easy and tasty too!  We ate samplings of fresh, whole organic foods, such as hummus, kale salad, & my famous tun-no (a carrot-based salad with a taste that is better than most tuna salads).  We also had a vegan dessert prepared, cookies! 

I will definitely have to do another tea and invite EVERYONE to share some of what I learned and experienced from the coming trip when I return. 

 For those that have asked if it is too late to give a contribution, THANK YOU!   I appreciate your offerings and contributions are still accepted either through mail or hand delivery at Serenity Suites, 3012 N. Davidison Street, Charlotte, NC 28205.

All checks or money orders should be made out to Kimberley Baucom.  Card payments are accepted as well.  You can call 866-944-9560 ext. 703 or click on the paypal link: 

SendinLuv in Every Direction,

Aura Agape

Thursday, April 12, 2012


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  Yeah, right.  Not if the apple is covered in a waxy coating to make it nice and shiny, genetically modified to make it huge and resistant to bruises along the journey from the orchard to the distribution/processing center to the store. And definitely not if it is covered in a multitude of pesticides.  

I have posted a link to an article below regarding chemicals in our food.  This article may clue you in on some things such as, "Why, some eat 'healthy' but, are still over weight?"  Obesity is a major problem in America.  Don't just read the Nutritional Facts alone to read the sugars, sodium, fats, etc...find out where these come from.  What are the INGREDIENTS?  It is not necessarily what you are eating that is wrong but, what your food is eating or has absorbed that is the problem. if your food is out of order then your body that builds, functions, and renews itself off of the fuel that the food supplies will be out of order as well.  Organic may cost more but, it is cheaper than going to Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers and then the doctor & medical treatment facilities to have several procedures done to deal with a preventable disease or condition. 

The other question that many seem to overlook to ask:  "why is it that so many drugs such as hormones and antibiotics in our food supply?"  Oh, yeah!  It is called the Food AND Drug Administration!  Many food and drug companies are owned under the same umbrella.
It is time to improve our quality of life! Waiting for someone else to do it will get you nowhere. Grow your own foods and make friends with local farmers and growers that don't use chemical pesticides.
Blindly following old diets without checking the source or line of production is potentially dangerous these days. 
 Pay attention and you will see and find out for yourself.  Don't just shake your head.  Do something!  After all, we are what we eat.

Monday, April 9, 2012

2012 Africa Wellness Trip Update

I want to take the time to update you on the progress of my preparation for the trip to West Africa!!!  THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THE GENEROSITY SHOWN TO ME ON SUCH SHORT NOTICE!!!  Those who have given and continue to give will receive perks and discounts on products and services as a token of appreciation.  I THANK YOU!!!

This week, I will also have a yard sale at Serenity Suites (Saturday Morning) & lecture on Allergies, Asthma, & Skin Conditions with the Afrikan Village of Charlotte (Saturday Afternoon).  Sunday, I will host an afternoon tea with some people who are important and valuable to me as I am on my journey of life and purpose.  
During the week, I am focusing on the day-to-day business of Herb'N Spice, SendinLuv & the Herb'N Garden Collective.  I will be catching up on the work that drives my business, wildcrafting, gardening, mixing and packaging herbal formulations.  Of course, I will have consultations and drop-in customers to serve.  Plus, I have my personal life.  Recently I had a death in the family, my Nana who lived a wonderful life all the way to the end.  Up until the last couple of months of her life, she came and went as she pleased, maintaining her driving priveledges and uplifting all of her family, friends, and church members.  Her spirit will always be with me and I will carry her wisdom everywhere that I go.   I am blessed to have her for the time that I had.  My family is pretty cool so I had to take a break to spend time with them.  It is my goal to lead a balanced life.  It is not always easy but, I am sure that it is always worth it. 
I digress.  
I will be on Africa soil soon enough and I must thank everyone who has contributed to help make my travels and learning opportunities possible. As a wellness educator, consultant, healer, herbalist, urban gardener, and entrepreneur I work daily to provide holistic wellness services, products and education to the local Charlotte area and now the global community.  I continuously work overtime to serve people by providing Herb’N Wellness Consultations by making herbal preparations, urban gardening with the Herb’N Garden Collective, wildcrafting herbs and wild foods, and exploring more of the holistic ways to further grow a healthy and sustainable community. This is such an exciting time right now as I prepare for an opportunity of a lifetime. As I travel to Nigeria and Ghana, West Africa, I am looking forward to making new connections and gaining knowledge of traditional and modern customs particularly regarding food, herbs, and various healing techniques so that I may return to share what I have learned and expand my scope of knowledge to better serve YOU. 

I truly appreciate all of your love, prayers, advice, donations and support.  I cannot say how much it means to me to have the support of the community, family and friends behind me.  I know that when I travel, I am not alone.

I am requesting the support of my community in order to secure the cost of airfare and travel expenses.  So far I have reached a bit more than 15% of my goal and this is just after a short time.  Thank you to everyone who has already contributed.  I have until April 13, 2012 to reach my intended financial goal of $2000. Hopefully, I can count on you to support the endeavors to improve our collective wellness. 

To make a donation click on the following link: Your contribution is appreciated.

SendinLuv in Every Direction,

Aura Agape
Herb’N Spice, LLC
Serenity Suites@NoDa
877-944-9560 ext. 703


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Africa or Bust!!!

It has been a while since my last post and I must say that things are moving at an incredible speed!  I love what I do as I have been blessed with a wonderful opportunity to work as a wellness educator, consultant, healer, herbalist, urban gardener, and entrepreneur.  I work daily to provide holistic wellness services, products and education to the local Charlotte area and now the global community.  I continuously pour in overtime to serve people by providing Herb’N Wellness Consultations, making herbal preparations, urban gardening with the Herb’N Garden Collective, wildcrafting herbs and wild foods, and exploring more of the holistic ways to further grow a healthy and sustainable community.  After 10+ years of being a practitioner, I have now been presented with a golden opportunity to travel to West Africa to learn and share.   

I will travel to Nigeria & Ghana with a companion/guide that is native to the region to network, make connections and to establish import/export partnerships for global wellness.  In addition, I will be gaining knowledge of traditional and modern customs particularly regarding food, herbs, and various healing techniques so that I may return to share what I have learned and expand my scope of knowledge to better serve YOU.  
Although I have the opportunity of a lifetime, I am requesting the support of my community (near and far) in order to secure the cost of airfare and travel expenses.  I have until April 13, 2012 to reach my intended financial goal of $2000. Hopefully, we at Herb'N Spice & Serenity Suites can count on you to support the endeavors to improve our collective wellness and sustainability. 

 SendinLuv in Every Direction,

Aura Agape

Herb’N Spice, LLC

Serenity Suites@NoDa

877-944-9560 ext. 703