Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Solstice Cleansing: New beginnings deserve a clean start.

The Winter Solstice is drawing near as the days shorten.  It is a time of rest, reflection, cleansing and preparation.  As the year draws to an end, many are making their New Year’s resolutions for how we will make the coming year better than the one before.

Cleansing is an important aspect of self maintenance.  We clean our homes, our cars, our closets, we daily clean our exterior bodies.  It is important to clean our internal bodies as well to ensure that we can function at our highest potential.  I usually recommend that people detoxify and cleanse to optimize the ability for our bodies to assimilate the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that our bodies are to utilize for our benefit.  There are many different ways to cleanse.  I will name a few options however, now that there are whole books written on the very topic of cleansing and fasting for the purpose of detoxification.

There are many ways to achieve a cleansing.  One way is to use water.  Water is very essential.  We are made of more than ¾ water.  Water is essential for our well being and keeps everything flowing to carry nutrients, essential vitamins, minerals, oxygen to each cell, tissue, & organ.  Also, drinking plenty of water aids the flow of waste products, toxins, etc…out of the body.  It is wise to drink plenty of fresh water (at least ½ body weight in ounces).  Water ideally will be the first thing that you consume for the day.  There are other uses of water such as bathing and other forms of hydrotherapy.  Hydrotherapy comes in many forms such as steam baths, saunas, sweat lodges, enemas, colonics, as well as hot and cold therapy.  A simple detoxing treatment  that you can do at home is to soak in a mineral or sea salt bath.  I do not encourage this for those with high blood pressure.  However, baths with essential oils such as geranium, angelica, citrus (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, etc), black pepper, patchouli and even calming scents such as lavender, rose, sandalwood, frankincense, are highly therapeutic and relaxing.

This is the time to slow down, relax, rest, recharge and rejuvenate.  Release the stress that usually accompanies today’s modern lifestyle.  If you can take more time for yourself, please do so.  It is important to clear time and space for your own nurturing. Release yourself of toxic relationships, habits  and thought processes that no longer serve you.  This is the time to free yourself.  Clear your space of clutter.  Organize your affairs.  It rings true that it is wise to have a clean start.  Let us begin this new cycle clear in spirit, mind, & body.  As we move forward in clarity, may we gather our energies to manifest the vision and desire that is already placed in us.

Get the junk out before you invest your time energy and nourishment to your body.  I want to emphasize that it is important as you are cleansing your system, that it is important to either fast or ingest only cleansing foods.  Does it make sense to cleanse our bodies only to pollute them again immediately afterwards or even during?  While cleansing we all should be mindful of what you we are taking in regarding foods.  During this cleansing time, be it 1 day, 3 days, 7 days or 21 days.  Keep a clean diet refraining from mucus forming foods such as dairy, fried, flesh, processed, & fast foods.  Also it is wise to steer clear of artificial sugars, high fructose corn syrup, white sugar& white flour products.

When transitioning to a clean mucus-less food intake over an extended period of time, you will notice that your taste buds will change to desire more of what is healthful.  You may also notice an improvement in energy, overall health and well-being.  I suggest that cleanses are best done gradually and with care.  Be mindful that if one has deep latent toxins and undergoes a rigorous cleanse, then what is known to be a cleansing crisis may occur.  As the toxins are being removed, they are now in the bloodstream and certain effects may be felt such as headaches, skin break outs, eruptions, boils, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, moodiness.  If this is the case, usually if one perseveres and has support, they will overcome this obstacle and should notice an improvement within a number of days depending on the circumstance.  This is why I strongly encourage those who choose to cleanse/fast to do any binge eating  before or after.  Many times I witness that before a cleanse, people want to gorge themselves with the foods that they will not be eating during their designated cleansing period (like the food will not be there when they are done).  You are setting yourself up for a possible cleansing crisis and making more work for yourself.

Who will benefit from a cleanse?  Just about anyone.  If you are trying to conceive, on medications for extended period of time, eat animal products, eat processed foods, exposed to toxins,radiation, pesticides, pollutants, over weight, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, prone to illness, or looking to prevent illness.  Even those who eat a complete organic, plant-based diet that does not get sick should still cleanse at least once a year to keep up the maintenance.  THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PREGNANT & NURSING MOTHERS, especially if this is big change for you.  As babies are developing and getting all it needs directly from mom, you do not want to cleanse your body from toxins for the toxins to flood the blood stream and go directly to baby.

During cleansing it Aim for 50%-100% raw (live) food consumption or juicing fresh herbs, vegetables, & fruits during this time.  It is strongly recommended to partake of organic or foods without chemical pesticides as pesticides are pollutants and add to the toxins that we aim to cleanse ourselves of during this time.  Drink plenty of water, herbal teas, and fresh `fruit & vegetable juices.  Do NOT drink store bought juice!  Most of them contain too much sugar and not enough fiber.

Vegetable sources include green leafy vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, collards, chard, spinach, parsley, cilantro, cabbage, green leaf lettuce, & broccoli.  Other vegetables include celery, carrots, beet root, cucumber, string beans, onion, garlic, radishes, alfalfa sprouts, bean sprouts & sea weeds (kelp, dulse, irish moss, chlorella, spirulina, etc).  Any fruits consumed during time should be low-glycemic fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, lemons, peaches, grapes, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.

All grains should be whole grains such as wheat berries, spelt, millet, amaranth, rice (black, brown, & wild), whole or steel cut oat groats, rye, & quinoa.  Raw nuts (soaked), lentils & various legumes, especially mung beans are permissible.  Flax and pumpkin seeds are highly beneficial and cleansing.  Fennel and chia seed will aid in keeping hunger at bay if you do decide to cleanse.  Chia seeds also are an excellent source of omega-3s.

Wheatgrass, spirulina, chlorella, alfalfa, & various sea weeds add that needed boost to supplement the cleansing process, add energy, rejuvenate & nourish the body on a cellular level.

Excellent mucus busters to consider are cayenne pepper, lemons, limes, citrus, apple cider vinegar.

Bitter herbs cleanse and aid in digestion such as dandelion. Goldenseal, echinacea, garlic, olive leaf & ginger fight infection. Black walnut hulls, wormwood, garlic, St. John’s Wort & raw pumpkin seeds remove parasites.

If you would like to enhance your cleansing experience visit Serenity Suites or call 866-944- 9560 ext 703 & set up an appointment or request a cleansing package that includes infra red sauna, ionic foot bath, massage, & herbal cleansing tea.  I am available to you especially during this time for food preparation instructions, recipes, advice or suggestions.

Thursday, December 22, 2011 will be a day of cleansing and fasts at Serenity Suites that will continue into the evening.  We can share in the experience together if you would like.  Bring a cleansing dish and a $10 donation to make the most out of your experience.  Our future begins right now.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Vegan Pancake recipe YUM!

I got the basics of this recipe online and put my own twist to it (just as any resourceful and savvy woman would do).

2 cups unbleached whole grain flour
2 tbsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
2 tbsp agave/honey/turbinado sugar (sometimes I add a tbsp or two if I get a sweet tooth)
2 tbsp veg. oil (coconut is my favorite)
2 tbsp vanilla
2 cups soy/rice/almond/hemp/coconut milk (I've even used organic apple juice when I was out)
add more milk/juice according to the consistency and thickness that you prefer your pancakes to have.  One can also get creative and mash up bananas in the batter or add other fruits or nuts.

Very delicious with maple syrup or jam!

I will not ever need to buy pancake mix again! SAVE YOUR MONEY & ENJOY REAL FOOD!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This topic has long been on my mind.  Most of the people in my circle are very picky about the quality and type of water that they drink and a few are even picky about their cooking and cleaning water as well.  I personally drink ALL types of water because I know that there is no seperation from us and the planet that we live on, which happens to be approx. 75% covered in water.  If the Earth is polluted, then so are we.  The Earth has its way of restoring back to a balanced state, and under the right conditions, so do we.  I make a point to note all types of water sources around my home, work, travels, wherever I go.  Then I think about what it would take to be able to drink that water and feel secure that my health will not be compromised. 

What happened to being able to see a stream and reaching down with cupped hands and bringing the cool, refreshing water to my face and drinking it down to quench my thirst?  Would you do it?  Many of us these days are not comfortable with turning on the tap to take a drink.  So what do we do?  We purchase expensive, landfill polluting plastic water bottles, purchase costly filters, go to the stores and refill containers of deionized or reverse osmosis water (which creates nasty waste water).  Lately I have been on the alkaline water kick.  I enjoy it but, I know that if I need to drink tap, well or creek water, and  that is all that is available, then I should be able to do so.

So now we get to the point of Buying water.  How did we get to this point?   Why do we purchase water when it is in abundance FREE of cost? We have lost trust to drink freely as once before. We pay to have someone else to treat or make us feel secure use and drink. I believe that SOLUTION thinking and action is in order. It is time to RESEARCH and make it our business to identify our personal and shared water resources available. EDUCATE ourselves to treat our valuable water resources properly and protect them. It is time to know how filtrate and treat our own water and recycle it responsibly if necessary. Word for the WISE.

Which glass will you drink from?

Natural Purification Method --Moringa Seeds

New World Water

Monday, May 30, 2011

dead prez - Happiness

Breathe Easy Naturally

Every now and again my sinuses will become congested. Pressure, headaches, irritability... I think I am allergic to prolonged periods in A/C.  I have had calls from clients, colleagues, & friends regarding sinus congestion, especially with expecting mothers who are very limited with what they can take regarding the safety of their unborn child to ease their discomfort.  Just about every time, they are in enclosed areas with recycled air (a/c or heated).  I would suggest opening a window, even just a bit and almost instantly there would be relief.  Keeping moisture in the air with a vaporizer or steam is good and remembering to change air filters in a timely fashion is also a benefit. 

Every household bathroom should have a neti pot on hand just for this very purpose.  A little salt and some reasonably warm water and stir.  Tilt your head to the side over a sink or basin and put the tip of the spout up one nostril and let the drainage out the other nostril and you are good.  Sometimes it is good to go for 2 rounds alternating sides. 

Hot water and lemons are a God-send but, nothing quite evacuates congested sinus cavities like my personal favrite, rosemary!  I make tea with a decoction of tender rosemary leaves and stems.  About a handful of rosemary does it for me.  2-3 cups of water to boil in a pot after the water has boiled long enough for the color to change (10-15 minutes).  Strain off herbs and cool to drinkable temperature.  Mix with lemon juice.  Sweeten with raw local honey for those who need to build up their tolerance regarding seasonal allergies.  Another option is stevia, agave, or raw sugar.  Rosemary tea makes a good blend with lemonade and is surprisingly tastey.  Very soon after consumption, you should notice that you are breathing with greater ease.

PS...Don't consume mucus binding substances such as dairy (includes cheeses and yogurt's, btw), refined sugars & starches, eggs, table salt, alcohol, fried foods, stress, etc...  Drink plenty of water.

Here is a link if you are interested in more information regarding a highly respected herbalist, Dr. Christopher who coined the term Mucusless Diet:

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Herb 'N Herbalism: Wildcrafting Plantain

Plantain (Plantago major l., Plantago lanceolata l.)is a very common herb that is not only edible but, very useful.  The usefulness of this herb is such that every household should have some in some form on hand because surely a time will come when knowing how to identify it, prepare it for use and application will come in handy to greatly enhance the quality of life or even save a life.  I know it sounds like a lot and I know that you are thinking that I may even be talking of the banana-type plantain that many enjoy to eat, the world over.  However, this plantain that I am talking about is found amongst the grasses in nearly every yard that I visit and has two distinct types, both of which perform the same function. 
Plantago major L. is also known as the Broad leaf plantain.

Plantago lanceolata L. is also known as the Narrow leaf plantain.

I am certain if you casually survey the local landscape around your home, work, along your daily travels, you are likely to find this growing.  I like to harvest plantain mid-late spring in my area when the flowers have formed.  The cone-like structures on the tops of the central stems are the flowers (not very showy but, very fun to play with).  I remember playing with the flowers of this wonderful herb as a child.  We would pluck the flower from the base of the stem and wrap the stem around itself once and shoot the flower heads at each other.   I know I was not the only one to do these things.  I tend to find these growing in home lawns, sidewalks, fields and slightly wooded areas. 
I must discuss harvesting etiquette before we continue.  It is wise to introduce yourself to the inhabitants of the land before you proceed to collect Nature’s medicine for personal use.  Ask permission of those that we are able to see, and even those that we cannot see for their blessing on the stated purpose of coming and harvesting from the land.  I personally offer a prayer for safe entry, passage and return.  Also be mindful of the animal and plant life that is around.  I observe and communicate with them as they are my guides.  When you find what you are looking for, harvest from a healthy stand and take only what you need.  Stay clear of roadsides low-lying areas where chemical toxins and pollution tend to accumulate. Harvest from multiple plants and take only a portion.  We must be considerate of others and trust that more will be available the next time we are in need.  This particular plant doesn’t have any stingers or poisonous attributes so, it is not necessary to wear gloves.  Simply take your index finger and thumb to pinch off the leaves.  Voila!  The plant is ready for use! 
Plantain can be consumed internally and applied topically.  I use this plant to sooth irritated skin as a result of rashes, bites, stings, burns, etc… Used externally, it is a drawing agent to pull out the venom, toxins, stingers, splinters even.  Gather leaves, clean, chew, spit out & apply as a poultice. You may notice almost immediate relief.  I make a salve for year-round topical use.  I also drink as a tea to internally clear out the bloodstream as it is an antitoxin, antimicrobial, antiviral, astringent, expectorant,  calming coughs by soothing mucous membranes linked with upper respiratory tract infections.  Tis is also considered a diuretic, among many other good things.  I am sure there is something that I may not have included but, I am stating common uses.
Periodically, I will post images and information regarding wild edibles and beneficial herbs that are easily found and used .  Practice identifying a few plants at a time and get very familiar so that you may harvest with confidence and accuracy.  If you are in question or doubt, then leave where it is. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Full Moon

I love celebrating the Moon Cycle!  Happy Full Moon, by-the-way.  I do much of my herbal preparation during the full and new moons.  I didn't do much gardening over the last week as usual, due to all of the rain.  Besides, my garden had passed the test of a sunny weekend off a few weeks ago with flying colors!  I noticed that my little green babies are becoming big green babies!  As they mature, they have to be able to stand on their own with my continued supervision of pest management and weeding.  I need to weed as soon as I get a good free day with sun.  I am thinking possibly tomorrow?  We will see the what the weather does.  My only concern truly is the crab grass that needs to be dealt with before it gets out of hand.  The few dandelions, shamrocks, violets and other edible wild herbs can stand to help maintain soil structure and be added to salads, wraps, and other dishes.  I am seeing wild foods as the "new" delicacy.  I see wild foods EVERYWHERE!  In people's yards, roadsides, fields, woodlands, sidewalks even.  There is an abundance of foods all around us!  No one should ever go hungry as long as we are able to properly id wild foods and herbs that are literally under our feet and within grasp.  These foods, I am sure are much more nutritive than much of the foods in the marketplace today.  It is a good idea to get acquainted with no more than a few at a time.  Take time to know what is growing right around you because that is what will serve you well in case there is a need. 

I am enjoying the heightened awareness of the abundance that is all around.  Plant foods and medicine wants to serve us, so they follow us wherever we go.  You may notice some if you pay attention.  I will go into this further the next time because, it is late into the night/early in the morning.  I will follow up with some visual images to serve as examples of some wild common edibles/herbs you my find along your path.  For me and my path, I find chickweed (which is on its way out due to the heat), dandelion, plantain, red clover, white clover, shamrocks, wild lettuce, poke weed, violet...Trust me, the list can go on.  I haven't even mentioned the trees, bushes, vines & such.  I DON'T DO MUSHROOMS!  Not yet, anyways.  I am not THAT brave yet.  I take care to stay in my lane.  Open your eyes.  What wonderful weeds/herbs are trying to get your attention?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Giving Thanks

I love waking up with a feeling of gratitude in my heart.  There are so many things to be grateful for as I have life, health, and plenty of inspiration from Spirit, nature, family, friends, and the many wonderful experiences that are created with each interaction.  Joy and gratitude has to be the NO.1 daily supplement that I would advise for anyone to take daily.  I know that life presents challenges, opportunities, stress, and dramas but, it is our response to life situations that present the opportunity to make the change that is necessary for us to life full and whole lives that we are meant to enjoy.  No matter the weather, this is a beauty full day because you are in it!  Do something positive about yourself and/or your space and you can only feel better.

Having a positive feeling is very important to living well.  I can suggest all sorts of recipes, detoxes, cleanses, diets, rituals, exercises, meditations, and such but, if you are not happy and joyful about the life that you are experiencing then what it the point?  Trust.  Laughter is GOOD medicine.  Don't wait for things to be a particular way before you decide that you can be happy.  Just decide to be happy. 

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